Medical Physicists
now classified by ILO
as a profession


Medical physicists have now been included in the latest version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO 08) by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
This has been a long-term objective of IOMP.

Peter Smith
Past IOMP Secretary General
IOMP/ILO Liason Officer
Medical physicists are classified under 'physicists' rather than under 'health professionals' as ILO decided this was more consistent with the ISCO conceptual model.

The list of tasks for group 211 ('Physicists and astronomers') includes a number specific to medical physics.

To clarify the position of medical physicists working in health care there is a note including “…..medical physicists are considered to be an integral part of the health work force alongside those occupations classified in sub-major group 22, Health professionals…..”.

This achievement of international recognition of the profession of medical physics is an important step for the development of the whole medical physics community, in particular in the developing countries with the growing need for building capacities in medical physics.